Shaping the future of child care and development.

FirstSpark is a nonprofit organization that provides education and resources to early childhood educators, along with connecting parents of young children with important information and resources. We are a true “systems builder”—bringing together policymakers, community leaders, caregivers, parents, and educators through our role as a lead organization in the state’s Ready Regions network. To review our 2022-2025 Strategic Plan, click here.

Girl grabbing the monkey bars

Our Story

Adult and child playing with building blocks

Our Team

Job Opportunities

Development Coordinator

FirstSpark is seeking applicants for a Part-time Development Coordinator. Please see the job description for more information. The position will be open until a qualified candidate is hired. A cover letter and resume should be sent to

Posted 1/10/24

View Job Description

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Help light a spark for early childhood education and development.

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