Challenging Infant & Toddler Behavior and the Meaning Behind It
Presented by ITSN (Infant Toddler Specialist Network)
This webinar will help infant & toddler caregivers understand the meaning behind challenging behaviors and explore strategies to manage these behaviors.
CLASS Dimensions:
- Infant: Teacher Sensitivity
- Toddler: Teacher Sensitivity, Behavior Guidance
How to register:
Contact Information:
Diosa Montes
Giving Children Their Best Chance
Presented by ITSN (Infant Toddler Specialist Network)
Infants and toddlers bring a blend of genetics, temperament, fast-paced developmental growth and unique needs to childcare settings. Early care providers can be challenged to understand these needs while also recognizing that infants and toddlers must be active participants in their own development. Activities and discussion will be used to help caregivers explore the important role they play to ensure that infants and toddlers are receiving their best chance in the care of adults who understand their uniqueness and plan for each individual child’s needs.
CLASS Dimensions:
- Infant: Facilitated Exploration Toddler: Regard for Child Perspectives, Facilitation of Learning and Development
How to register:
Contact Information:
Jamie Wallace
Making a Difference Through Early Interactions
Presented by ITSN (Infant Toddler Specialist Network)
Early Interactions with Infants and Toddlers matter. During this professional development opportunity, we will identify strategies to support language development and conversational interactions during routines and play experiences.
CLASS Dimensions:
- Infant: Teacher Sensitivity, Early Language Support
- Toddler: Teacher Sensitivity, Language Modeling
How to register:
Contact Information:
Jamie Wallace
Promoting Diversity in the Infant and Toddler Environment
Presented by ITSN (Infant Toddler Specialist Network)
This webinar will discuss the significance of diversity and its contribution to the overall development of infants and toddlers. Participants will learn strategies to intentionally select materials, prepare displays, and create activities that celebrate diversity. The Infant/Toddler and Family Child Care Environment Rating Scales will be referenced.
CLASS Dimensions:
- Infant: Relational Climate, Teacher Sensitivity
- Toddler: Positive Climate, Teacher Sensitivity
How to register:
Contact Information:
Jamie Wallace
Exploring the Wonder of Nature
Presented by ITSN (Infant Toddler Specialist Network)
This session will help participants better understand how exploring nature with infants and toddlers can enhance children’s development. Nature and science concepts and strategies for infusing them into daily routines, activities, and play as infants and toddlers explore the world around them will be discussed. An emphasis will be placed on the adult’s role in actively facilitating learning.
CLASS Dimensions:
- Infant: Facilitated Exploration
- Toddlers: Regard For Child Perspectives, Facilitation of Learning and Development
How to register:
Contact Information:
Jamie Wallace
It’s All About the Fit
Presented by ITSN (Infant Toddler Specialist Network)
Each child has unique learning styles, abilities, rates of development, and ways of relating to others. This workshop will use a variety of interactive activities to help participants explore the concept of “goodness of fit,” learn how temperament shapes behavior, and use strategies for being responsive to infants and toddlers with different temperaments.
CLASS Dimensions:
- Infants: Relational Climate, Teacher Sensitivity Toddlers: Positive Climate, Negative Climate (Reducing), Teacher Sensitivity
How to register:
Contact Information:
Jamie Wallace
Strengthening Caregiver Interactions with Infants and Toddlers
Presented by ITSN (Infant Toddler Specialist Network)
Caregiver interactions with infants and toddlers are not only vital to learning life skills, but also enjoyable. Infants and toddlers thrive on the one-on-one attention and the chance to express themselves. During this webinar, strategies to make these interactions more powerful will be shared.
CLASS Dimensions:
- Infant: Relational Climate, Early Language Support
- Toddler: Positive Climate, Language Modeling
How to register:
Facilitator contact information:
Diosa Montes
Quality Early Care Environments
Presented by ITSN (Infant Toddler Specialist Network)
This session will focus on eight important concepts that quality infant care environments should have: Health, Safety, Comfort, Convenience, Choice, Flexibility, Movement, and Child-Sized Furnishings and Equipment. Key concepts will address the importance of a high quality, safe, and healthy environment for enhancing the development of infants and toddlers.
CLASS Dimensions:
- Infants: Not Applicable
- Toddlers: Not Applicable
How to register:
Facilitator name and contact information:
Jamie Wallace
(757) 807-0714
Building Relationships With Children
Presented by ITSN (Infant Toddler Specialist Network)
Participants will be provided concrete, easy-to-implement strategies to create and maintain their relationships with children while addressing challenging behaviors. These will help children build skills and learn new ways of interacting with the people and world around them.
CLASS Dimensions:
- Infants: Relational Climate, Teacher Sensitivity
- Toddlers: Positive Climate Teacher Sensitivity
How to register:
Facilitator name and contact information:
Jamie Wallace
(757) 807-0714
The Planning Cohort (READ CAREFULLY)
In order to be part of this terrific cohort, you must have completed an ELDS training with us. If you did, you should have an ELDS book. If you're not sure, contact Eric Postman at
Every year, we offer opportunities for all VQB5 educators to be part of one of our cohorts. What is a cohort? A cohort is a group of educators who meet several times, about once a month. The Planning Cohort is designed to help you do an even better job of covering the state standards (ELDS) to prepare your children for kindergarten. This cohort will be a collaborative “think tank” rather than typical training sessions. We will explore ways to use the ELDS in conjunction with your center/school’s curriculum to plan more effectively.
Our focus will be on ways to observe children during play, using the age band(s) in the ELDS to determine a child's level of functioning, and using your curriculum to plan strategies and activities to help each child achieve mastery for age-appropriate emerging skills. We will take advantage of our collective knowledge and expertise to share ideas and hone our planning skills.
We will meet four times beginning on Feb. 26 The dates are listed below. All trainings will be be held IN PERSON at the FirstSpark office at 11832 Cannon Blvd., Suite F in Newport News on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:30.
Beyond the ELDS cohort gave me the opportunity to delve further into the ELDS, determine what skills are emerging or mastered and then what comes next, and use the ELDS to drive lesson planning! This cohort is fantastic for both the novice and the veteran teachers due to that the ELDS is fairly new to us. Diane and Eric were both helpful and had many great ideas for us to be the best teachers that we can be. ~Debbie D.
The ELDS cohort took a more in-depth look at how teachers and early education staff can use the ELDS to plan lessons and meet the needs of the students in their care. Whether you have a curriculum that is aligned with the Virginia standards or you are starting a brand new curriculum, this cohort will provide you with the experience needed to determine the appropriateness of lessons that you have planned to use in the classroom. I came away with a stronger knowledge of Virginia Standards expectations and how to relate them to daily activities in the classroom. I would recommend this cohort whether you are a brand new teacher to ELDS or an experienced teacher looking to strengthen use and knowledge of the ELDS. ~Sarah R.
Again, in order to qualify to be part of this cohort, you must have completed an Early Learning & Child Development (ELDS) training with us. If you have not completed an ELDS training, your registration will be voided.
You may register any time, but our cohorts fill up fast so don't delay. On or around February 17th, you will receive an IMPORTANT email to finalize your registration. Please monitor your email so you don't miss this important message.
Trainer: Diane Postman
Questions? Contact Diane at